The Bollywood superstar Salman Khan is still a single celebrity. The superstar has been free from all the charges of hit-and-run case. Now, the fans are busy in rumoring about his marriage which has become a national based issue. The news has spread that Khan will get married in the next year a very very long time.
The issue is not only surrounded around the delayness of Salman’s marriage but it starts from ‘whom will he marry’ to ‘when will he marry’. From many years, the hopes of the fans have risen up along with his each new affair. But it doesn’t matter for him that how much he has refrained and not done any big commitment. While asking about his marriage, Salman Khan has told in 2012 as, “I will think about marrying only after the courts give their verdicts. If the verdicts go against me, I will marry only after coming out of jail.”
Now, all the issue has almost settled by the court and after the verdicts of the court he has no labeled with ‘guilty charges’ any more. The center of our gossips has turned towards the Romanian model, Lulia Vantur who has been seen while dating with Salman Khan on different occasions. Rumors have also spread about their engagement that they have engaged secretly but the sister of Khan has refused all this rubbish news.
Salman Khan has also spoken out against these rumors and talked about he relationship of with Vantur. “There is a lot of buzz about a lot of things about me, which is never true. Yes, I read what is written, hear what is said, and my right answer to your question would be that i am indifferent to all of it. The small things don't bother me at all, but they bother my parents. And that really bothers me.” Salman Khan said.
The Bajrangi Bhaijaan star has also claimed that “If they didn't care about all this nautanki girl ( drama girl), if the judges and public prosecutors laughed off everything that's written about me, it wouldn't bother me at all. I think everyone has their own journey, their own realisation I deal with my demons and everyone has to deal with theirs.”
The duo stars were firstly met with each other on the sets of the Bollywood movie, Bodyguard. And after that Lulia has been seen in all his family functions including the wedding ceremony of Salman’s sister as well.
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