Shahrukh Khan, the king of Bollywood industry idolizes the veteran star Dilip Kumar as a pillar of the Bollywood industry. He has honored him with the Padma Vibhushan call and even tagged him like ‘icon’.
Shah Rukh Khan has said, “Dilip sahab is more deserving than anybody else. Even words like 'icon' are very less for him. He is the forefather, the pillar of the film industry... Amongst the last few pillars left. I think what he has received is huge," he added, "No matter how many awards he gets, it will be less for him because of his art, beauty, Saira ji's support. He is one of the greatest human beings apart from being the actor. I know them personally so I can say that. It's a moment of big celebration.”
Kumar has started his spanning career with the films like Andaz, Devdas, Aan, and the most historical film Mughal-e-Azam. Kumar is known as the ‘tragedy king of Bollywood’ and did make various tragic films Kranti, Karma, Saudagar and Shakti. His last film was Qila that he made in 1998. He is the most iconic star of the Indian cinema.
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