The Bollywood actress, formerly, refused to accept her secret meeting with Salman Khan after the alleged break up with Ranbir Kapoor. The Bollywood beauty queen Katrina Kaif who is now-a-days busy in promoting her upcoming film Fitoor has officially reported ended her six years long relationship with Ranbir.
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Rumor has it that after the alleged break up with Ranbir, Katrina has secretly met with Salman Khan at the birthday party conducted by Ali Abbas Zafar (Bollywood Director). The duo is silent at the breakup as Ranbir left for his new flat with all his luggage and Katrine opted to remain busy in the promotions of her upcoming film, Fitoor.
The reason behind the secret meeting of the former love couple Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif is the production team of ‘Sultan’. Ali Abbas Zafar, the director of ‘Sultan’ and a good friend of Katrina recently celebrated his birthday bash party where the duo stars Katrina and Salman were invited.
Katrina finally broke her silence over her secret meeting with Salman and refused it by claiming it that it a meet by chance. She spent a quality of time with Ali Abbas in that birthday party. Ali gave some privacy the ex-love birds in his party. It looks as if Katrina is also searching for a shoulder to cry on after the breakup.
According to English Daily, the statements reads, “Ali Abbas Zafar is Katrina's close friend and she attends his birthday party every year and this year was no different. Ali happens to be directing Sultan with Salman in it, which is why he was on the guest list, along with a whole bunch of other people, including Kabir Khan. There was no secret meeting between Katrina and Salman. Request people to please have some respect and not concoct stories which are untrue.”
However, this news has cleared the air on the chance to meet with Salman that she definitely got a shoulder to cry. After breaking five years long coldness, Katrina is all set to promote her upcoming film, Fitoor on the set of Bigg boss 9 Finale, along with her Fitoor co-stars Aditya Roy Kapur and Tabu.
During the promotion of the film, Fitoor on the set of Bigg Boss 9 Finale, Kat exposed that she would have been highly confused if she was one of the contestants. But Salman differs from her statement and said that ‘Katrina is one of the strongest women he has ever seen in his life who started her struggle in making her career in the Bollywood at the age 16 and now reached at this stage through sheer hard work.’
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