Can Music Have the Power to Heal The Disease and Mental Problems?

The Brain's Way of Healing
Music has played a marvelous role in the life of every individual. Music in any language can depict the depths of anxieties and heal them as being an accurate artifact. It can cheer you up in your agony or miserable instants. It urges you to dance in your sad occasions and allows you to transcend from the material world whenever and however you want.

The effects of music or new songs over a human being’s psychological state of mind have been clearly chalked out by psychologists over the world. According to an estimate, in a considerable number of cases, psychologists have found out that the lives of people who either listen to music or create it, tend to be more organized as compared to those who keep music out of their lives.

It is said that music has healing powers and can even improve verbal IQ of a person. It reduces the heart rate, anxiety, and blood pressure in heart disease patients. Besides this, music not only helps individuals in their personal catharsis but can also help in uplifting their moods. A whole therapy for patients suffering from physical and mental ailments is present in which music is used to improve their health. A researcher, Dr. Thaut, said: "The brain that engages in music is changed by engaging in music." Using music, brains of the patients are stimulated in such a way as to make them feel better and recover from their illnesses.

Bollywood music deals with a number of genres and contains diverse tunes from subtle to energetic, and melodious to noisy. It is such a rich asset of the industry that almost everyone can identify with either the lyrics or the music of one or more indian video songs, every time one listens to anything from it. If used correctly, Bollywood music can play the role of an antidote for several diseases that man suffers from.
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About Universal Music

This is Mawra Ali, a content writer and the student of International School of Screening Acting. I write and illustrate the major topics related to the Bollywood industry. I am not a perfect writer at all but trying to be… I hope all these articles will be fine and useful for you.
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