The director of the film Sanjay Gupta has just decided to wrap up the shooting of his most anticipated movie, Jazbaa. Jazbaa is an action drama film which is based on the story of a lawyer who is obscured scolding with threats as well as menace. It is an official remake of the South Korean film Seven Days, 2007. In Jazbaa, the criminal wants to rescue and walk his man free who has leveled for the rape case and the murder. He threats Anuradha Verma (Aishwarya Rai), a female lawyer, to walk the inmate and illegal person free from jail and escape him from garrotte.
The filmmaker Sanjay Gupta is hopeful for the success of the film and decided to wrap up by tweeting that “IT’S A WRAP! And these are my warriors, my direction team that made it happen ever so smoothly. Love you guys.” After the wrap of the movie, the director of the movie wants to have some party. He said, “Now have to come up with a venue for the #JAZBAA Wrap Party. Any suggestions.”
The specialty of the movie is that the movie marks the comeback of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan after a long time. In this film, she is playing the role of the lawyer as well as the mother of the only daughter. The title of the movie also suggests that the story is going to depict about the passions of the characters. As Aishwarya is playing the most emotional role of a mother who has to win the case of a criminal in order to save her daughter. Rumor has it that the 41 years old actress bears her tears in her eyes on the last of shooting on the set of the movie. At that moment, she hugged emotionally her make up artist Mickey Contractor and cry.
The director Sanjay Gupta called this as a ‘beautiful journey’ and he shared the picture on twitter along with the caption, “ARB, Mickey & me after the last day shot of #JAZBAA today. The end of one part of our beautiful journey.” He added, “CALL SHEET for the last day of #JAZBAA says ‘Day 51’adding. We planned, promised & delivered in precisely 51 days. Hats off to you @Nadeem_Shah.”
On the last day of the movie, the legendary actor and the close friend of the director of the Jazbaa, Sunjay Dutt the arrived on the set. Although he is not as the part of the entire film as Sanjay has been there just to wish his close friend for his anticipated film. A source reported, “Everyone was excited to see Sanjay Dutt. As soon as he walked in on the sets, the shooting came to a halt. Sanjay Gupta, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Ahmed Khan had a long conversation with the actor.”
The director, Sajnay Gupta has tweeted, “Today on the last day of ARB’s shoot we had the most special visitor on set who I requested personally to come & wish us – Sanjay Dutt (sic.)” He added, “What an emotional moment for ARB, Ahmad Khan, Baadshaah, me and my entire crew today when Sanju dropped by to wish us all the best. Sanju was in town and I requested him to drop by our sets on his way back. He obliged and the whole crew went berserk. TRUE SUPERSTAR TRUE BRO. Sanju was on my set today after nearly eight years. F*** what a feeling! Time, life, destiny could not keep us apart. Cheers to that.”
The music of the film has been composed by Pritam and the songs of the film have contained the moving elements to amuse the audience. Rumor was it that the director, Sanjay Gupta has offered to Surveen Chawla for the song of the film ‘Jazbaa’ but it was not true as Surveen declared, “I have not been offered any Jazbaa song! I wish I was. I don’t know where this is coming from, though I would be more than happy to work with (director) Sanjay Gupta if given an opportunity. I have loved his work and the style and sleekness that he brings to his films. Jazbaa is looking great.”
To sum up the whole discussion into a nutshell, we can say that although, the plot of the movie is basically the production of the South Korean director and Jazbaa is the remake of it but on the whole it deals with the emotions and the feelings of the common mother as well. The plot as well as new video songs of this movie will also move the hearts of the mothers and the other audience. We are hopeful for the success of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan who have appeared after a very long time in the movie.
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